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Who We Are

Our Story

Our Story

Prosperity Ready’s name is based on the idea that prosperity is far more than wealth. The word prosperity also means successful, flourishing, a thriving condition, ease, plenty, comfort, security, well being, good fortune, happiness, and health. Now, more than ever, we all want happiness and health, and we want that for all members of all of our communities.

As a Human Resources executive with over 25 years working in Fortune 500 organizations, Lisa Perez, Founder and CEO of Prosperity Ready, witnessed on a daily basis the barriers and inequities diverse people face. She grew frustrated with the lack of progress in dealing strategically with a shrinking talent pool and the critical need for organizations to commit to building a diverse workforce. She felt called to make a far bigger impact by serving in a different capacity. Lisa wanted to learn directly from diverse communities what they viewed the root causes of these issues to be. She came to learn from their lived experiences that she had unwittingly built human resources processes, policies and systems that hindered diverse talent from experiencing success in the workplace.

Prosperity Ready was founded to help foreign-born degreed Minnesotans beat the system while partnering with employers to fix the system.

Accelerating Potential

Hear foreign-born Minnesota professionals share their inspiring lived experiences. Find out how, together, we can ensure all Minnesotan's can prosper.

Video design and production by Adam Foster Jacobs

Check out our complete video series...

2022 Accomplishments

  • Volunteer Hours


  • Funds Raised 2022


  • Program Participants


© 2025 Prosperity Ready

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